Gloria describes herself as an energetic grandmother who has survived a number of life-style extremes. After describing her own life experiences in a unique way – her first book, Musing and Munching, is both a memoir and a cook book – She has focused on drawing out others life stories. As a Hospice volunteer, She has honed her gift for capturing life stories, and have refined this gift through more than 120 interviews in preparation for her second book, Memories of Lake Elmo. The result is a collection of remembrances and recollections that tell how the charming village of Lake Elmo, Minnesota began and how it has evolved through the years. More importantly, it tells about that evolution through the memories and stories of the people who lived it – then and now.
Darkness in Paradise, the story of Onno VanDemmeltraadt’s youth in war-torn Indonesia during WWII, is more than a touching memoir. The book is a historical document describing the history of The Dutch East Indies and how it became Indonesia.
Capturing Your Story, Writing a memoir step by step, is a book ready to help others to document their stories. Short and powerful, information is concise and meaningful and guides readers exactly how to start - and finish - writing their stories.
Danger in Deep Lake is her first fictional novel, and it was released in May 2018, to great reviews and two awards: The New Apple Award for Excellence in Independent Publishing for 2018 (gold, United States) and The Independent Press Award, Distinguished Favorite for 2019 (silver, international). She has discovered a whole new passion for the exciting genre of cozy mysteries, and her second in the series Death in Deep Lake is available now!
You can purchase Gloria's books on her website https://www.gloriavan.com/ or on Amazon.com.